Move on 1 Unit 1 Pronunciation (past)
In the past simple regular verbs end in 'ed' and there are three different ways of pronouncing
these two little letters - / ɪd /, / d / and / t /.
/ ɪd /
infinitives that end in the sound / t / or / d / example: hated added
/ d /
infinitives that end in a voiced sound
/ t /
infinitives that end in an unvoiced sound
***All vowel sounds are voiced
unvoiced sounds are /p/, /f/, /s/, /S/, /tS/, /K/ and the other sounds are voiced
1. wanted ended started hoped
2. hoped laughed faxed played
3. played liked begged learnt
4. shirt looked asked waited
5. dog landed died called
6. travelled stayed saved worked
7.rented landed assisted opened
2)Put these words in the right column
| /t/ | /d/ | /id/ |
Worked | | | |
Lived | | | |
Stopped | | | |
Counted | | | |
Targeted | | | |
Paid | | | |
Listened | | | |
Watched | | | |
Painted | | | |
Performed | | | |
Repeated | | | |
Helped | | | |
Asked | | | |
printed | | | |
Warned | | | |
Used | | | |
Waited | | | |
Cried | | | |
Kissed | | | |
invited | | | |
Arrived | | | |
needed | | | |